Our services

The Melkite Charitable Foundation (MCF) partners with the Australian Government, Department of Home Affairs’ Settlement Engagement and Transition Support (SETS) program. The SETS program is an early intervention, national settlement program that aims to give the right, targeted support to refugees, humanitarian entrants and other vulnerable migrants and people in our community so they can become active community members benefiting themselves and the nation. 

MCF and the SETS program regularly engage and work with the three tiers of government, Federal, State/Territory and Local Government, service providers and other non-government organisations to plan, support and deliver coordinated, client-centric services, informed by research and evaluation.

Effective collaboration and coordination between all stakeholders leads to better service-delivery of education, employment, health, and wellbeing outcomes.

MCF is an approved SETS client service provider. We work with the SETS program and other government and non-Government organisations to deliver targeted services.

MCF work to—

assist households having trouble paying their electricity, natural gas, or water bills due to a short-term financial hardship, crisis, or emergency. We assess eligibility and distribute Energy Accounts Payments Assistance scheme and Sydney Water’s Payment Assistance Scheme vouchers.

provide NSW Government food vouchers for those in need.

facilitate connections with mainstream services.

assist with paying children’s school fees for newly arrived families in their first two years in Australia.

provide education scholarships for disadvantaged children.

engage in targeted community care programs, preventative health programs, community gardens and centres, walking groups, community recreational activities.

help the elderly with aged care housing and support.

help with accessing affordable childcare.

liaise with government departments to determine requirements for recognition of overseas tertiary qualifications.

are a bilingual team providing translating and interpreting services and undertake form completion. 

provide resident information kits in multiple languages.

promote civic participation by assisting with Australian citizenship and passport application, promoting community festivals, events and Australia Citizenship ceremonies.

are justice advocates for refugees and asylum seekers as well as providing information on, dispute resolution, fines, and local by-laws.

advocate for family and social support through family relationship and support programs, and initiatives to protect children, youth, and families. 

introduce social connections with community groups and religious organisations.  

English language and literacy programs for adults to improve language and assist transition into the community.

adult education and skill training courses, that qualify for trades, upskilling and trade licensing requirements.

education and training courses for smooth integration into the Australian workforce environment and culture. 

workplace and job assistance programs to be ready for job interviews and applying for a job.

community-based volunteer programs.

introduction to local libraries as knowledge and learning hubs.

Health and wellbeing

Settlement services

The first five years of permanent residence in Australia is generally considered the settlement period. MCF deliver a range of settlement, advocacy, and multicultural services on a needs-based approach. We — 

Education and training

MCF partner with TAFE NSW to deliver courses that are pathways to employment and integration. We provide—

Our support network of grant providers, sponsors and partners, enables the Melkite Charitable Foundation to deliver humanitarian settlement, citizenship, and school leaver employment support programs; education, health, and aged care services; refugee advocacy and government grants to our local community, refugees, humanitarian entrants and other vulnerable migrants.

As a not-for-profit foundation we rely on our support network to be able to offer free our community programs and services. Our family of support networks align with our vision to uphold the dignity, equality, and opportunities that all Australians deserve, equally. 

Only through our support network can we provide the short-term assistance that people in need seek, so they in turn can one day be contributors to a better Australia.

We proudly acknowledge and value our family of support networks—

If you would like to chat about how we can collaborate, please get in touch with Najwa Touma.

Our support network

Grant providers


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